Friday, April 16, 2010

Compulsory Service

In my opinion I do not believe that any one at any age should have to commit to any type of compulsory service. I believe that as a human we all have our rights and should not be forced to commit to something that we do not want to do. If it was mandatory for a person to serve in the military or the Peace Corps then it would violate our Fifth Amendment right whish says: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” It would conflict with a persons beliefs and or their religion. In some religions they do not feel that they need to be involved in such things as wars and national conflicts. They feel they should be neutral in government issues such as the military or the Peace Corps. I do not feel that anyone for any reason should be forced to do anything they don’t want to do. I feel compulsory service for eighteen year olds would not benefit anyone so it should not be made mandatory. I believe it’s a way for the government to get free service out of people with no benefit in return. If they lose a limb or something in the war whats the government going to do for them. They barely do anthing for them now. In my opinion compulsory service is just another way for the government to get something out of the people who do it just because they want to. If someone wants to volunteer for it then they have every right to but don’t try and force it on the people that don’t want to.

Resume/ 5-year plan


5-Year Plan

Friday, April 9, 2010


I really don’t know any of my friends that don’t want to vote but what I would say to one of my friends that didn’t want to vote is..why wouldn’t you want to vote. In a way it’s a chance to get your voice heard and have some of your decisions taken seriously. Im going to vote because during the last election I wasn’t old enough and I didn get a chance to be apart of history when Barack Obama was elected for president. I would have really liked to be apart of that. Don’t you want to at least have a say in who the next president is going to be if Obama doesn’t do his job properly. Don’t you want to be able to say that’s who I voted for and that’s what I wanted to happen in the community and in the country. There really is no reason for you not to vote unless you really don’t care what happens to you or your community. Do you really want people deciding how your going to live in this community, state, country. I think its important for you to vote because maybe your vote could be the deciding vote in another election or a prop that would potentially be passed or wouldn’t be passed. Just think of the movie Swing Vote when Kevin Caustner was the last man in the country to vote and all the media and tv news ancors came to his house to ask him why he didn’t vote. If something like that really did happen would you really want to be the last person in the country that hasn’t voted yet.