Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Effective Communicator

Through various classroom activities and assignments I have become an effective communicator in high school. When I first arrived to San Diego High School, I didn’t know anyone or anything about the school so I kept to myself and did things by myself in order to attempt to pass my classes. I soon realized that I needed to communicate with others in order to learn and make progress. One of my classes that required a lot of communication this year was peer education. In this class, we were all divided into groups in order to teach freshman and make them aware of issues such as HIV/STD’s and teenage drinking and driving. Being in this class made me realize that teaching is a very tough job, especially if group members won't share ideas. Our group was successful at times but we learned to communicate with each other and get our work done and teach a good lesson to the freshman that we had. Sometimes this was challenging because we all wanted to teach different lessons but we managed to put our preferences and differences aside and work together. At this point in my life, I have to be an effective communicator to get community service hours, apply for jobs and visit colleges. This will be a challenge for me but I know it can do it because I need to be able to communicate extremely well with others when I get out into the real world and start doing things for myself.

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